3D Visualization Workflow

Let us leverage architect drawing software to your advantage. We use the following six-step process to streamline design iterations, minimize uncertainties and showcase your spaces in unprecedented detail with the power of photorealistic visualizations.

  • Architect Drawing Software-One


    The Beginning of a Game-Changing Journey

Tell us about your project.

  • You inform us of your project's details.
  • You receive a clear scope, timeline and budget.
  • We begin the production process using custom architect drawing software.
Architect Drawing Software Workflow One
Architect Drawing Software Workflow Two
  • Architect Drawing Software Two


    Aligning Project Expectations

Together, we identify the vision for your project.

  • We collect your project files.
  • You meet your MaxWave3D project manager.
  • A kickoff meeting aligns expectations.
  • Architect Drawing Software Three


    Setting the Scene

Angle, model and light are selected.

  • We put your scene into perspective.
  • We focus on geometry, weather and composition.
  • Detailed attention is paid to modeling and angles.
Architect Drawing Software Workflow Three
Architect Drawing Software Workflow Four
  • Architect Drawing Software Four


    Adding Details and Materials

Your customizable environment begins to appear.

  • Together we choose materials, textures and colors.
  • We add furnishings, people and vehicles for more detail.
  • We create a photorealistic environment using custom architect drawing software for renderings or animations.
  • Architect Drawing Software Five


    Putting On the Finishing Touches

It’s time for final decorative adjustments.

  • We revise and refine, down to the finest detail. People, vehicles and furnishings are put into position.
  • People, vehicles and furnishings are put into position.
  • We make final adjustments to placement and decorative backdrops or animations.
Architect Drawing Software Workflow Five
Architect Drawing Software Workflow Six
  • Architect Drawing Software Six


    Your Design Comes to Life

Your project is delivered on time and on budget.

  • We begin the post-production process.
  • The final project is completed.
  • You receive top-quality 3D exterior or interior renderings.


Architect Drawing Software Checklist


Bring It To Life Step 1 Icon

Step 1

Share your designs and specifications with our team

Bring It To Life Step 2 Icon

Step 2

Get a full suite of exceptional 3D photorealistic visuals

Bring It To Life Step 3 Icon

Step 3

Impress decision makers and move forward